I am in no way the perfect mom, I lose it and snap, I yell at my kids, I have wanted to crawl in my bed and not come out for a week. At the ends of most days my heart desires nothing more than a glass bottle of wine.
With my oldest being a genius, but also having ADD, my life is filled with letters and emails to teachers and IEP coordinators all day, checking online grades nonstop, making sure all supplies are here and ready at a moments notice for projects, and always making sure that meds are in supply and not needing refills. I know some parents don't think ADD is real or do not think that kids should be medicated but I will stand firm on the fact that mine does. What if you woke up one day and the kid sitting in front of you looked like your child, moved like your child, wore your child's clothes, but the personality that made that kid yours...was gone? My son disappeared slowly, and slowly we have gotten him back. It's a long road when you have ADD and you can only stay on your meds so long before your body rejects them again and again and again. I will always advocate for my son because only his mother and father will know him for who he is. His IEP coordinator has been awesome this year and for that I am extremely grateful, but in years past we didn't have that luck.
My second child is "normal" whatever that means. He doesn't have any mental handicaps or disabilities. He is one of those kids who sits when he should, talks only when he feels he has something important to say, and does anything you ask of him. Over the last year I have had to deal with him (and I) losing someone we loved very dearly. Grief is the last thing you want a child to have to go through and now that my oldest seems to be himself again, sometimes I feel I am losing this one to his grief. We are going to try more counseling, but it's very hard to lose someone when you are so young (speaking from experience).
Then there is my daughter. My beautiful, ADHD, crazy big hearted, loving daughter. Nothing in the world could have prepared me for her. She is everything I always wanted to have in a daughter. She is kind, generous, loving (even when her brothers make her irate), and she wants nothing more than world peace and animals to all be treated kindly. My beautiful blond haired, blue eyed girl has ADHD. She is socially stimulated. While this can be a challenge, it could be worse. She doesn't make a lot of friends at school because that is where she is most stimulated and acts goofy. Other kids don't understand it and think she's just weird. To be honest at her age I probably would have thought she was weird too, but that is why as parents we should be teaching understanding and patience. I truly think ADHD may be the best thing that ever happened to her. Before you think I am crazy allow me to explain. My daughter tries harder than anyone in this house to get good grades (she loves hearing praise), when we asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up she asked what she could do to be just like her Dr.. He has made such an impact on her life that she wants to be a pediatrician that also focuses on kids with ADD/ADHD. No matter what she chooses in life, she will always make me proud.
My fourth and fifth sons are 5 and 6 years old and a handful and a half. Being a mom to 5 kids (4 boys especially) is always exhausting but when you add the little ones in... whew, they are always bored, there is never any food they want and they are always hungry, there is nothing to watch, nothing to do, the other kids are playing video games so they can't, it's never ending!
This being said, being a mom is the only thing I ever wanted to be. I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up other than a mom. I love my kids to the moon, stressful days and all. My husband and I don't take vacations without them, we've actually never been on any real "vacation", we rarely spend a single night without our kids in the house. Life is stressful and beautiful and crazy. I am not in the PTA, I am not on the board of anything, I am a stay at home mom that now and again picks up a part time job to help make ends meet, and try to manage her house at the same time. I don't feed my kids anything other than the foods my parents fed me, there is no organic, clean eating, all natural anything in this house. Sometimes we have movie night and we all sit around eating pizza, popcorn, and candy. My kids run the yard till its bedtime in the summer. We have rules, we teach respect, we try to make good kids so that one day they will be great adults. We aren't trying to keep up with the Jones's, but I won't lie, sometime the Jones's have everything I wish we had. I get jealous from time to time, but at the end of everyday I thank God for giving my 5 amazing kids and an amazing husband to lean on everyday.
I hope my blog doesn't offend anyone, but I won't filter my life for anyone. If you don't like it don't follow me. I can only please so many people a day.
Thanks for reading~
~I'm no supermom~
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